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I was born as the fifth daughter to my parents in 1984. As a child, I had to deal with the varied [as in contradictory] parental views of my mother, father and four outspoken sisters. Beyond all this, there wasn’t much time to be set aside for me—and as bad as it might sound, it also was a blessing. Growing up in a small Hungarian village without constant parental supervision came with an enormous amount of freedom.

My slowly blooming love affair with photography started at a young age. I must have been about five when one of my sisters started her studies in the field. She built her own dark room and I could not stop admiring the magic slowly happening in a red-lit plastic tray. I received my first camera a few years later, and I took images of pretty much everything and anything. Usually pretty bad ones: blurry, messy photographs with a complete lack of sense of composition.

As soon as I turned 18, I moved to Budapest to continue my studies. The naive village girl who wanted to save the world decided to study social policy in order to make poverty extinct once and for all. While I obviously have failed this personal mission of mine, now, 20+ years more experienced, I clearly see how these studies had created the base of my passion for documentary photography.

Things started to turn serious in 2011. I attended a few classes to become a better photographer and I was hooked once again. So much so that in 2015 I decided to study the theory behind it and earned an MA in Film and Photographic Studies at Leiden University.

After graduation (2017), I started as a freelance writer, curator and project manager. I began working with the wonderful people of Paradox and started to write for the Hungarian fine art photography magazine Fotóművészet. In 2022, I joined the team of Counter Foto as a guest lecturer. Since 2023, I am a regular contributor of the online photography magazine Punkt and I have been co-producing the art and literary publication Word Up Pages with the amazing humans behind Word Up Amsterdam.

My purpose is to find and assist those who have something important to say. In today’s world of fake news, populism and on the brink of a new world, we have to make significant stories available—and accessible. 




art director


mentor | guest lecturer

Guiding creators along their creative journey



layout editor

Ukraine – Hundred Hidden Faces

Civilians up in Arms

curator | project lead

Suppressed by the Saviour

editor | project lead

48 Stories


Mint & Ginger



Liz Johnson Arturról – és a reményről / About Liz Johnson Artur – and Hope 2021. IV
Ed van der Elsken – Életvágy / Ed van der Elsken – Lust for Life 2019. IV
Photo London 2019 2019. II
A Pávák vajon hová tűntek? / And, Where Did the Peacocks Go? 2019. I
Színes emlékezet / Colourful Reminiscence 2018. III
A fotográfia legjava - Haute Photographie Rotterdam 2018 2018. I

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